A case study about issues I see with Linkedin's user interface.  The study highlights problems with kitchen sink design,  a problem that arises when designing for all users without prioritizing.
I am consistently frustrated with the LinkedIn user interface. I decided to write about it. The kitchen sink design dilemma involves design that  attempts to accommodate all demographics equally on one screen.  Unsuccessfully deployed, kitchen sink design creates overwhelming choice and ambiguity with no apparent priority given to a particular user path. 
Profile, Profile, Profile
My photo is in three different places above the fold. I like myself but I don't want to think about myself incessantly. Most people visit LinkedIn to improve their business interests. Why reinforce narcissism, ego and self-promotion to stress producing levels?
Notify me about being over notified
I’m an over notified person. I have 300 "unread" notifications on Linkedin. In fact I’ve viewed all of them. I’ve chosen to ignore them. These red encircled numbers are the first thing I notice. The notifications needlessly create a sense of being overwhelmed.
Excessive touching - 15-yard penalty
What does “Keep in Touch” mean? Is it a directive, a tip, or a piece of advice. It’s in the navigation bar. I have no clue what clicking this link will do. My pre-existing Linkedin UI distrust leads me to assume it will be cumbersome, distracting and poorly designed. I’ve never clicked on it. 
Ambiguity is the new Black
The main navigation is an exercise in vagueness and repitition. Business services?  Interests? Home? Even the least tech savvy among us now intuitively know the logo takes us back home I think.
Display ads kill kittens
I’m told unrelated display ads kill kittens on a daily basis. This ad is unrelated to any of my business interests or my connections. It’s also bland. LinkedIn regularly employs animated ads as well. I intuitively know to stay away from display ads on LinkedIn. It will not offer me anything of value. 
More ambiguity and needless decision making
Isn’t a photo the same as an update? What if I want to share an update and upload a photo at the same time? Publishing a post is a totally separate endeavor, not an update.
Amnesia protection
I am aware of who I am. Does it warrant this much space? I assume LinkedIn displays this information in case I want to edit my information.  An “Edit Profile” dropdown under Profile is standard and intuitive. 
Linkedin's interface is  a classic example of kitchen sink design gone bad. LinkedIn is a must-use networking tool. The interface for LinkedIn can ultimately be poor or great and people will still use it. Saving users time should be a primary objective.  Linkedin has made a great improvement to messages and their mobile apps. It's worth checking out. They are on the right track but much more work to be done.   I know there are great UI and UX people at LinkedIn so please take my snarkiness lightly.
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